I am happy to be back home.
BUT I am glad and greatful for the company and comradeship that I experienced, which turned the Via de la Plata for me into an unforgetable adventure, although I never got a "vino cortado".
Special thanks to:
Jos and Boy: for sharing your great Camino experience with us. Unfortunately you had to leave our little group in Merida
Ingeborg: for demonstrating that energy is not an issue of youth. You had to stop in Caceres.
George: for your good British humor in tough situations (...dive for your wallet). Sorry we could not walk into SdC together!
Jürgen: demonstrating that giving up is not an option. Also for your ongoing spanish lessons. It was fun walking with you! I hope we meet again some time soon! Greetings to Ulla!
Manfred: I would love to walk with you, if you could ever slow down a bit and make a break some times. Also thanks for your talent to improvise.
Carlos: not only for your cooking (great), but also for your refreshing openness in our many conversations. See you in Sevilla in 2010!
Juan: your energy example and patience when we spoke English or German. Also see you in Sevilla in 2010! (Carlos will translate this for you!)
Conclusion: The Via does not make you any younger, but who would trade the experience made at the Via for youth?
Hasta Luego All!
Montag, 6. Juli 2009
Freitag, 3. Juli 2009
Santiago de Compostela, 3.7.2009 - Abschied
Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2009
Santiago de Compostela, 2.7.2009
Noch in der Dämmerung stiefeln wir los, um rechtzeitig zur Messe in Santiago zu sein
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Abends an der Kathedrale: ein einziger Jahrmarkt
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